Hi, my name is Daniele Falchetti

I’m a Senior Software Engineer currently based in Valencia.

This is my space on the world wide web where I explain who I am, what I do, and what I want to achieve.

Who I am

I've always valued community as a synergistic union of individuals with diverse skills. Regardless of their specific roles, each member brings unique experiences and knowledge, with a capacity to adapt to various situations. I believe this is made possible through communication.

Throughout my career, I encountered individuals who embraced this philosophy.

In 2016, I began working within a multidisciplinary team at LS&Blu, an established advertising agency. As a Junior Art Director, I gained my first experiences with corporate graphic design and began making creative decisions.

Later, during a trip through Europe, I met Francesco and Alessio. We shared similar future plans and discussed creating a venture to collaborate on freelance projects. Once back in Rome, we founded Ekiplab, a versatile work environment that offered specific training courses to those interested in joining our team.

After three years at Ekiplab, I sought new experiences and joined Agic Technology, an Italian multinational Microsoft partner, as a Frontend Developer. The transition met my expectations, thanks to my supportive colleagues and clients.

I later relocated to Barcelona, Spain, where I continued to work remotely for Agic. I quickly familiarized myself with the Spanish IT sector and was convinced of its potential. This led me to join IBM iX, IBM's service line that leverages industrial knowledge, design thinking, and exponential technologies to help clients innovate their ecosystems.

At IBM, I was soon promoted to Team Leader after successfully completing several projects.

For various reasons, I relocated once more, this time to Valencia.

After making a significant personal decision, I've chosen to take a pause in my career and step away from IBM.

The show must go on, so I have started looking for a job that requires less effort than the previous one. Taking advantage of the situation, I decided to explore a different sector which led me to join into Prada Group. My time with Prada was brief but impactful, as I observed significant disarray. Without going into details about my experiences or generalizing to the entire high fashion sector, I hesitate to recommend working as a Software Engineer in this company.

During my stay in Valencia, I encountered a medium-sized company, GuruWalk. I participated in several events they organized, and it was great to experience a vibrant work environment with a simple and effective strategy for value creation. After a few weeks, I was lucky enough to join the GuruWalk team as a Senior Software Engineer.

GuruWalk, initially a start-up, gained value by operating in the tourism sector with the concept of free walking tours. Today, the company has outgrown its start-up status and is a worldwide leader in this type of tourism.

Working at GuruWalk, I significantly enhanced my skills as a developer and gained valuable insights into innovative business management approaches. After five months, I took an exceptional opportunity to advance my professional growth.

This led me to Cajamar, one of Spain's leading banks specializing in the agricultural sector. I am currently undergoing intensive training to prepare for what I consider the most significant professional challenge of my career so far. While the specifics of my future role remain confidential, this opportunity aligns perfectly with my long-term career aspirations. I am thrilled to contribute to such a forward-thinking and impactful organization.

And now, here I am.

What I do

I basically do what I like. It will sound commonplace to say it (and maybe it is) but I feel that I am one of those "lucky ones" who works with a hunger and desire to do what he does, which is to create. Creating and experimenting with applications and software with a wide variety of functions. I am not an artist, since art is free and an end in itself; I am a programmer and I have to respect paradigms imposed by the technologies I use, but I am not in a cage because I have the possibility to choose: to range between one or another framework, to prefer a specific programming language, to compose a specific development team. Making quality choices, that's what I do.

What I want to achieve

If it is true that what I seek is seeking me, then I seek "everything".

Continuous research, curiosity in testing new programming and design tools, perpetual improvement and personal consolidation. To me, these are all activities aimed at achieving something every day that is useful and makes life "lighter".


The Phoenix Project: A Novel about IT, DevOps, and Helping Your Business Win - Gene Kim, Kevin Behr, George Spafford

Code: The Hidden Language of Computer Hardware and Software - Charles Petzold

Clean Code: A Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship - Robert C. Martin

Head First Objects-Oriented Analysis and Design - Brett McLaughlin, Gary Pollice, David West

Head First Design Patterns: Building Extensible and Maintainable Object-Oriented Software - Eric Freeman, Elisabeth Robson

Software Engineering: A Practitioner's Approach - Roger S. Pressman

The Pragmatic Programmer: Your Journey to Mastery - David Thomas, Andrew Hunt

Introduction to Algorithms - Thomas H. Cormen, Charles E. Leiserson, Ronald L. Rivest, Clifford Stein

Designing Data-Intensive Applications: The Big Ideas Behind Reliable, Scalable, and Maintainable Systems - Martin Kleppmann

UML Distilled: A Brief Guide to the Standard Object Modeling Language - Martin Fowler

Refactoring: Improving the Design of Existing Code - Martin Fowler

Art of Computer Programming - Donald Knuth


Paul Graham

Bill Gates

Pliny the Elder