18 Jun 2023

Consumer Ideas

Image for consumer ideas

Some significant concepts interpreted by me and taken from famous books

Fix the broken window:

Fixing the small things so that bigger problems don't happen. "The broken window" refers to a marginal piece of code that, if done poorly or not functioning, can introduce bigger problems and ruin the psychology of the project, allowing entropy to win. If everything is neat, the team will be more motivated to develop clean code.

Stone soup:

An idea, if only present in our head, remains an idea and not always do we have the necessary resources to develop it. However, we can always start with something (a stone soup) that can be shown to tell the idea and generate curiosity in people who have those resources to turn the idea into reality. Then, with the focus on the project by the right people, showing them the validity of the idea, it will be possible to say "it's a nice product, but it would be better if we added..." (some carrots, beef, etc.).

Perfect software in an imperfect world:

There is no perfect software if its development team doesn't understand when to stop. Some improvements, some embellishments to the code do not add value to the software, on the contrary, they risk deteriorating it. This happens because of the developer's excessive zeal at the exact moment in history when the code is written. Paradoxically, the historical moment and the zeal with all those "improvements" end at the same time. This is because technology advances, the developer's work done in 2010 was only valid for 2010 and a few years later, "better today" could be synonymous with "worse tomorrow." From this concept comes a part of the meaning of "scalability."

This is an open post that will be continually updated by adding new concepts that I consider relevant.

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